Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Latino Studies" in Radius...

My thanks to Victor Infante and Lea Deschenes, editors of an excellent new online journal called Radius, which has published my poem "Latino Studies" alongside poetry by Willie Perdomo and Sean Dalpiaz.

This post highlights my work, the work of a mentor (Willie), and the work of one who is considered "emerging" (Sean). Not having published a book yet, I feel a bit like the emerging poet myself, so this is actually a neat little privilege to have my work mentioned here. And I actually sound halfway intelligent in it, so that's a plus.

It's been an interesting few weeks and months for me, one that has gotten a fire lit under me to put the work out in the world and be visible. It's easy to drop away when the only work you're known for is your 9-to-5. And even that's not all it's cracked up to be, especially when you live in a state where your governor is hostile to educators and nonprofits alike. I need to go tell a little truth once in a while, and have people listen. For that, I'm grateful to the editors for letting me out of my cage.

More projects on the horizon. More. Feeling really good, people.

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